Parrots as pets can be a delight for almost anyone. If you don't mind a pet that requires loads and loads of attention, as much as a child, in fact, a parrot might be just the right pet for you. There are many varieties to choose from, and you are likely to find one that will fit well into your family. From small budgerigar parakeets to giant Macaws, and everything in between. You can choose from love birds, cockatoos, cockatiels, and African Greys. There is a special kind of parrot for everyone.
A major thing to consider before you decide to buy a parrot is where you will buy it from. Pet stores are most people's first thought, but a private breeder is also a good choice. Make sure your prospective bird was raised in captivity since it is harmful and illegal to buy a trapped bird. You can get parrots that are parent raised or hand raised. A hand raised bird will be faster and easier to tame. Of course, ideally you should buy a young bird, unless you are doing a rescue and are already familiar with the behaviors of parrots.
If you are searching for a special parrot suited to a young child, then a budgie would be the best choice. Small, easily tamed, and gentle, they come in beautiful colors, and like their bigger cousins, can also learn to talk. They don't require the huge amount of attention that the bigger parrots do, either.
The next size up, the cockatiel, also makes a gentle pet for older children. Requiring a bit more time and care, you can get these for children who are capable of being a little bit more involved in the pet care process.
Love birds are beautiful and their color variety doesn't just stop with the green and peach-faced. You can get them in yellow, too. If you buy a pair, though, don't expect the individuals to be as devoted to you as they are to each other. Most parrots love having a mate and they will always prefer the mate to you.
The larger parrots require much more time and commitment than the three just mentioned. They are also capable of inflicting much more harm because they have huge, sharp beaks and powerful talons. These larger birds are best left to adults who have lots and lots of time to spend with the bird and who are willing to devote a whole lifetime to the animal's care. Larger parrots can live up to 80 years.
Parrots as pets can be wonderful, but be sure to take the time to pick the best one for you.
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